Sergey Volynets is a Development Team Lead at Lightpoint.
Sergey’s been with the company for 9 years — from the inception of his career. He started at Lightpoint as a Junior Developer, then worked as Back-end developer from where he made his way to the current position of the Development Team Lead.
Sergey is responsible for overseeing a team of software engineers (sometimes the team is extended with QA engineers and designers) and organization of the development process. Coordinating tasks, setting priorities, risk assessment, facilitating communication between project stakeholders account for a good share of his functions. He also provides technical guidance, participates in code reviews, architecture discussions, and helps align the team’s efforts with the overall business objectives. On top of that, Sergey manages the RnD department, dealing with research in the software development field, working out new approaches to creating custom software for various domains, and extension of the Lightpoint team overall expertise.
Key points of Sergey's expertise encompass:

Building and maintenance of the development process
Troubleshooting and enhancing the development process
Back-end development: .NET, MSSQL, Postgres
Front-end development: JS, TS
Team management: project planning, resource estimation, risk management, performance control
Read Sergey’s articles
In Lightpoint Blog, Sergey shares his knowledge on team management, development of high-quality software solutions for various cases and domains, problem solving, and relevant technologies and methodologies within the software development industry.